
Hi there, my name is Seb.

I am a UK-based graphic designer and video editor with over three years of experience and big ambitions. I have had my hand in a wide variety of projects, from crafting visual identities for brands to editing documentary videos to tell stories, typically with other self-employed individuals and small teams. My portfolio is where I showcase my favourite work and demonstrate my creative development over the last few years, so do take a look.

If you like what you see or have something you want to share with me, get in touch! I am available for part-time and freelance work and I am always eager to work with new and returning clients on exciting projects. Perhaps you need some marketing materials for advertising on social media or need a video for your new podcast — if it’s creative and it’s digital, send it my way.

Thanks for stopping by,

Sebastien Jensen

Open for work

  • Hourly rate: £25 GBP / $30 USD minimum.
  • Fixed-budget: £75 GBP / $95 USD minimum.
  • No minimum hours necessary.